Feel like learning! Feel like living!
Although each primary school pursues its autonomous policy linked to its context, our organization is characterized by the sharing of expertise, knowledge and experiences. In this way we are evolving from loose expertise in the schools to an expert organization that offers a powerful answer to joint challenges.
Well-being increases the chances of success of the learning process. Our schools aim for a harmonious development of social and relational skills. -
Languages are the future. We focus on strong linguistic development by offering meaningful situations in which children are challenged to interact. Both oral and written skills are sharpened in Dutch, French and English. -
We pay attention to the transition points between the different levels of education. We lower the barriers through all kinds of supportmeasures. -
Our schools create a framework within which learning contexts are elaborated. A good structure is important. Scientifically substantiated methodologies and techniques help us to achieve our objectives. -
Within our organization we want to take care of everyone. We are committed to a strong care policy for students and a personnel policy with coaching, mentoring and professionalization. -
As Catholic schools, we follow the curriculum concept 'Zin in Leren en Leven' (Sense of learning and living): inspiring, motivating and challenging children to learn in a meaningful context. -
All children have the right to a good education. The four-track policy, 'corner work' and contract work make it possible to make an offer tailored to the students. -
In this time of ideological and religious diversity, we invite everyone to look for what connects us in a respectful and dialogue manner. -
Within KatOBA we focus on sharing expertise. Thanks to the great diversity, we can inspire each other to shape the vibrant Brussels education. -
Good education is always creative. Creativity enriches life and helps to solve problems, discover new things, develop further. It happens where students can explore in a relaxed atmosphere and in a safe learning and classroom climate and let their imagination run wild. -
Well-being increases the chances of success of the learning process. Our schools aim for a harmonious development of social and relational skills.
Languages are the future. We focus on strong linguistic development by offering meaningful situations in which children are challenged to interact. Both oral and written skills are sharpened in Dutch, French and English.
We pay attention to the transition points between the different levels of education. We lower the barriers through all kinds of supportmeasures.
Our schools create a framework within which learning contexts are elaborated. A good structure is important. Scientifically substantiated methodologies and techniques help us to achieve our objectives.
Within our organization we want to take care of everyone. We are committed to a strong care policy for students and a personnel policy with coaching, mentoring and professionalization.
As Catholic schools, we follow the curriculum concept 'Zin in Leren en Leven' (Sense of learning and living): inspiring, motivating and challenging children to learn in a meaningful context.
All children have the right to a good education. The four-track policy, 'corner work' and contract work make it possible to make an offer tailored to the students.
In this time of ideological and religious diversity, we invite everyone to look for what connects us in a respectful and dialogue manner.
Within KatOBA we focus on sharing expertise. Thanks to the great diversity, we can inspire each other to shape the vibrant Brussels education.
Good education is always creative. Creativity enriches life and helps to solve problems, discover new things, develop further. It happens where students can explore in a relaxed atmosphere and in a safe learning and classroom climate and let their imagination run wild.
Basisschool Instituut Maria Onbevlekt
Basisschool Regina Assumpta
Basisschool R. Van Belle
Basisschool Voorzienigheid
Basisschool Scheutplaneet
Basisschool Nieuwland
Basisschool Sint-Joris Cellebroers
Basisschool Maria Boodschap
Basisschool Lutgardis
Basisschool Instituut van de Ursulinen
Boodschapinstituut Schaarbeek
Basisschool Sint Gillis
Kleuterschool Paruck en lagere school Sint-Karel
Basisschool Imelda
Basisschool Voorzienigheid
Lagere school Mater Dei
Kleuterschool Mater Dei