Read the first KatOBA living lab newspaper (January 2023)!

Our organization was delighted when Minister Weyts announced at the beginning of May that 30 so-called living labs could ‘put the education regulations in brackets’ to test other concepts in practice.
From our organization we did not want to miss this opportunity: our schools feel the impact of the teacher shortage every day and deserve that we do everything we can to make the teaching profession more attractive again. Our children deserve that we provide them with the best possible environment. Our teachers deserve that we take their needs to heart and reduce the planning burden as much as possible.

If there was an obvious solution to these challenges, these living labs would not be organized now. The solution may not even exist.
One thing is certain: from KatOBA we will do everything we can in the coming years to be part of the search for solutions. Each step in the right direction brings us closer to the main objectives. We want to take these steps in consultation with our schools, boards, teachers, employees, external partners, experts and our governing body. You can read more about it in this first edition of our ‘Proeftuinkrant’.